Phone No. 02472-222231
Est.: 1959
"ज्ञान, विज्ञान आणि सुसंस्कार यासाठी शिक्षण प्रसार"
- शिक्षणमहर्षी डॉ. बापूजी साळुंखे
Shri Swami Vivekanand Shikshan Sanstha, Kolhapur’s

Ramkrishna Paramhansa Mahavidyalaya, Dharashiv

Tambri Vibhag, Dharashiv- 413 501 (MS) INDIA

श्री स्वामी विवेकानंद शिक्षण संस्था, कोल्हापूर संचलित

रामकृष्ण परमहंस महाविद्यालय, धाराशिव

तांबरी विभाग, धाराशिव- ४१३ ५०१ (महा.) भारत
Affiliated to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar
NAAC Reaccredited "A" Grade ( CGPA- 3.23)
UGC Status: College with Potential for Excellence (Phase-II)
DBT-Star College by Govt. of India
ISO 21001:2018 Certified

Institutional Distinctiveness


7.3.1 Portray the performance of the Institution in one area distinctive to its priority and thrust within 1000 words

Title: Quality Education to Empower Students of Aspirational District.

The college is in one of the aspiration districts which are identified by NITI Aayog as under-developed and having a poor socio-economic growth. The college is taking unending efforts for the welfare of socially and economically weak background and down-trodden communities. Most of our students are from nearby rural area belonging to agricultural family. Our Sanstha motto is "Education for knowledge, science and culture”. According to our motto college has different distinctive achievements. The Institutional distinctiveness can be summarized as follows:

  1.  Academic Excellence:
  • College students bagged  the Gold medals in consecutive three years and 3rd, 5th Ranks in the University Examination in 2021-2022, a distinctiveness that reflects  teaching-learning quality of the college and efforts of the concerned stakeholders to achieve the vision of the college.
  • The college has deposited a sum of 3 lakhs and constituted Gold Medal to First ranker in the subject of English at university level. This will be given annually in the convocation ceremony of the University.
  • The college has deposited a sum of 5 lakhs and sponsored  Dr. Bapuji Salunkhe Lecture Series to be held annually at the university level.

     (2) Social Involvement:

  • College has participated in various social programmes which includes Cleanliness Campaign, Tree plantation, AIDS awareness, Tobacco and Spit  free India, Voter's awareness, ASER survey, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan Survey, building pits and water conservation work in villages through NSS Camp.
  • NSS and NCC volunteers participated in Cleanliness campaign on State Protected Monument under Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.
  •  In Covid-19 pandemic college Girls Hostel was provided as Quarantine Centre for Corona - Patients. Our faculty members distributed Mask, Food Packets, among the poor needy labors during Covid -19. Faculty honoured with Corona Warrior awards.
  • Science students participated in field trip to understand  Biodiversity Conservation.
  • The college also helped  Flood Victims in Maharashtra and Kerala by donating Flood relief fund.
  • Organization of Blood Donation Camp, every year.

         (3) Transparency and time-bound mechanism in the Evaluation:

  • Two times the college has been awarded ‘Ideal Examination Centre’ award for transperancy in the examination by the affiliating University.      
  • All examinations are conducted under the observation of Internal Examination Committee (IEC).
  • Results of the internal examinations are displayed on the departmental notice board within seven days of examination.
  • Internal Examination Grievances Redressal Committee is formed for grievances of students regarding the examination.
  • The institute follows a transparent and time bound Grievance Redressal Mechanism pertaining to internal and external assessment.
  • The college strictly follows the guidelines and rules of the affiliating University, to conduct semester end examinations.
  •  The college has formed Internal Examination Policy.

(4) DBT star College

The college has been sanctioned DBT Star college scheme by Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. The Departments of Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology were under this Scheme. Under this scheme grants of Rs 82 lakhs is utilized for

  • Laboratories - Strengthening the laboratories with Modern Equipment.
  • Webinars  - to enhance learning experience.
  •  Guest lecture – to provide an important educational experience for students based on their real-world life experiences. 
  • Workshops  –  to get practicle knowledge and to share the ideas.
  •  Hands-on-training – Students improves their cognitive understanding of the subject material and social skills.
  • Industrial, Institutional, Field Visits – Helps students to understand structure and functioning of Industry, to develop research knowledge, Professional Skill, Awareness about Job opportunity.
  • Students Project - Problem solving methodology is used in projects of social importance. 
  • Science Congress - Students participated in poster presentation competition. 
  • Vivekanand Astronomy Club and Vivekanand Soil Testing Facility center are established.

(5) Women Empowerment.

The college has active Women Empowerment Cell to develop the abilities among girl students to face challenges of life regarding gender issues and women’s' safely & security etc. The following activities are conducted:

·         Gender audit for purpose to assess and check the institutional efforts of gender equality. 

·         Women Entrepreneurship Development programme of One Month duration sponsored by Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India and Department of Science and Technology conducted by Maharashtra Centre for Entrepreneurship Development Osmanabad to develop entrepreneurship among the girl students.

·         Orientation programme on Ending Child Marriages in collaboration with UNICEF, Women and Child Development and Centre of Social behavior Change Communication, Mumbai (MS).

·         Night Walk Rally – Participation in Rally for giving message in order to protest against victimization of women at Unnav Incident, Hyderabad in collaboration with Divya Marathi News Paper. The Intention of the rally was to make girls fearless and confident to face the challanges in 21th Centuary.

·         Shravan Sohala- To Develop Personality and affection towards nature and impart Indian culture and tradition among the girl students.

·         Her platform – Learn to Express their views regarding the various social issues of imporrtance.

·         Celebration of International Women’s Day- by organizing International Seminar on topic ‘Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality’.

(6) College with Potential for Excellence (CPE)

The college is identified by the UGC as College with Potential for Excellence (CPE) in Phase I and phase II. The grants under this scheme are utilized in augmentation of infrastructure viz. construction of science building, ladies hostels, Ladies Common Room, strengthening of science laboratories, language laboratories, construction of Smart Classroom, Conference Hall, purchasing books and software for Library. The grant has enabled the college to further strengthen physical, human & research infrastructure to achieve the potential for excellence.

(7) Research

Students participated in University Level Avishkar Research Convention. Students obtained  second prize in the University level Avishkar competition. Faculty also obtained prize in University level Avishkar competition. There are 3 patents in the name of faculty members. Faculty published research papers and also obtained awards for research. Student obtained research fellowship from foreign university.

8) Sports and Cultural:

  •  College students participated and got medals in National, State, University level Sports competition. 9 Shivchattrapati  and 1 Arjun awards to Alumni. 
  • College students participated in University Youth Festival in various events and got second prize in Oratory Competition. First and second price in Intercollegiate Debate Competition. Participated and bagged first price in Poetry recitation in Krishi Mahostav.
Sr.No Title Link
1 Institutional Distinctiveness Click / Visit Link
2 Institutional Distinctiveness 2023-24 Click / Visit Link